Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

RANDOM (Files: 18)

RANDOM (Files: 18)

APA - Publication Manual of the APA 5th (2003).pdf
JBPC - Cognition and Technology, Co-existence, convergence and co-evolution (2004).pdf
JBPC - Psyche and the Literary Muses, The contribution of literary content to scientific psychology (2009).pdf
Jessica Kingsley - ASPoetry, Illustrated Poems from an Aspie Life (2006).pdf
Jessica Kingsley - Art Therapy Techniques and Applications (2009).pdf
LFB - Mental Health among Taiwanese, Americans Gender, Immigration, and Transnational Struggles (2006).pdf
MIT - The Future of Thinking, Learning Institutions in a Digital Age (2010).pdf
NYRB - Schreber, Daniel Paul - Memoirs of My Nervous Illness (2000).pdf
Other Press - Key concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis (1999).pdf
Oxford - Boo, Culture, Experience, and the Startle Reflex (1996).pdf
Penguin Press - A Terrible Love of War (2004).pdf
Routledge - Common Dilemmas in Couple Therapy (2010).pdf
Routledge - The Psychology of Courage, An Adlerian Handbook for Healthy Social Living (2010).pdf
SAGE - Human Relationships 4th ed (2007).pdf
Springer - Alcoholism, Research on Alcoholics Anonymous and Spirituality in Addiction Recovery (2008).pdf
Springer - Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Understanding People in Context (2006).pdf
Wiley - Intervening and Changing, Looking for Meaning in Interactions (2007).pdf

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